Albany Orchid Society September 2022 Newsletter
P.O. Box 1982
Albany W.A. 6331
Some of the displays from the ISOD & W held in Busselton
August 2022 Newsletter
President | Mrs Barbara Hawes | 0419422916 |
Vice President | Mr Ron Panting | (08)98411695 |
Secretary | Mrs. Shirley Hawkins | 0407971758 |
Treasurer | Mr. Glen Diggins | 0411054750 |
Newsletter | Mrs Carol White | 0488533377 |
Patron: Mr Murray Montgomery AM
Next Meeting:- Sunday 25th September 2022
1:30pm - Benching Plants
2:00pm - Meeting begins
Venue: Albany Bridge Club, Mill St Albany
Competition Plant:- There will be 2 plants assessed this month, Cym. Khanebone ‘Jacinta’ x Darch Joy Little ‘Toy’ and Epic. Mae Bly ‘Ching Hua Splash’.
Competition Plants
Because of how the shows have fallen this year, there has been no assessment since June, therefore there will be 3 plants assessed at the next meeting, they are, Cym. Khanebone “Jacinta” x Darch Joy Little “ Toy” -Epic. Mae Bly “Ching Hua Splash” and Cym. (Kulnara Titan x Kulnara Freedom) “Golden Orange” x Kulnara Titan x (Tony McCartney x /Forfire Dancer)
Events this Month
Morning Tea
Friday the 16th of September at “Zhivzgos Café” North Rd Shopping Centre at 10 am
Spring Show
Just a reminder, our Spring Show will be held on the 8th, 9th and 10th September, so start getting your orchids ready, for our new members, if you wish to enter a plant for benching or in one of the shows, you must have owned the plant for at least 6 months.
Julie has highlighted that the number on the white label on the pots of our entries must correspond to the number on the coloured tags NOT the number on the show schedule.
Set up for the show is at 10am on Wednesday the 7th , plants are to be at North Rd Shopping Centre at 3 pm on Wednesday 7th, and presented to the Show Marshalls so they can be put in their correct categories. The Marshalls will also help you to decide which category to enter your plants in. Floral Art is to be entered by 8.30 am Thursday morning.
Floral Art
The theme for Floral Art entries in the Spring Show this year is “Orchids, Cones and Nuts”.
Orchidup Visit
David has confirmed our visit on the 3rd November, he will again provide lunch for us, so start saving your pennies, let’s hope the weather is a bit kinder to us this time.
ISOD & W Inter-Society Challenge
Julie provided an interesting report on the recent ISOD & W Orchid Challenge held in Busselton. Members were able to meet and enjoy a lovely lunch together, on arrival at the venue, they were welcomed and given a gift of wine. Activities included a Quiz, Auction, Raffle and other enjoyable activities The next ISOD & W Challenge will be hosted by Orchids W.A. in Perth. Julie said attending these events is a lot of fun and encouraged others to attend. The results were :-
1st Bunbury – 2nd Busselton – 3rd O.S.W.A. – 4th S.E.O.S. – 5th Wanneroo – 6th Albany – 7th N.D.O.S.
Maybe not as successful as previous years, but not too bad considering the travelling and the funny season this year.
Committee Meeting
The next committee meeting will be held on Friday 21st October at 1.30 at Vancouver Café.
PA System
It was decided to defer any decision on this until the next meeting.
A huge thank you to Deidre for donating the stunning orchid for the Most Popular vote prize at the Winter Show, she also requests that we keep our empty tissue boxes for her as she uses them for the orchid sprays sold at the shows
The winners of the raffle this month were Lynda Mellows and Jenny Brass, congratulations
Door Prize
Our winner this month was Sandra Bright, congratulations
Happy Birthday to all those celebrating a “Special Day” this month.
Best wishes to anyone feeling under the weather, we hope you start feeling better soon.
Some more images from the ISOD & W Challenge