Albany Orchid Society Inc. May 2023 Newsletter
P.O. Box 1982
Albany W.A. 6331
Julie‟sCattleya“Pastoral Innocence”
May 2023 Newsletter
President | Ron Panting | 0419422916 |
Vice President | Shirley Hawkins | 0407971758 |
Secretary | Linda Mellows | 0457001353 |
Treasurer | Mr. Glen Diggins | 0411054750 |
Newsletter | Gail Brodziak | 0428155814 |
Patron: Mr Murray Montgomery
Next Meeting:- Sunday 28th May
1.30pm - Bench Orchids
2:00pm - General Meeting
Venue: Albany Bridge Club, Mill St Albany
Competition Plant forMay:-Competition plant Cymbidium (Kulnura Titan x KulnuraFreedom) „
Golden Orange‟ x Kulnarra Titan x (Tony McCartney x Foxfire Dancer)
AOS Calendar2023
Please keep these details handy on your fridge or on your mobile phone
Most popular vote,open section:-Rlc.„Pastoral Innocence”grown byJulie Elliott
Novice section:-A draw between Dendrobium Rutherford Starburst „Tinonee‟ grown by Barbara Hawes and Sarcochilus Elegance „Super‟ x Kulnura Rusty „Spec 2‟grown by Donna Stretton
The member who won the most points was Gail Brodziakwith 7 points
Donna‟s Odontonia Tiger Barb „KilaueaBarbara‟s Dendrobium Rutherford Starburst „Tinonee”
March meeting Raffle results:-
1st Prize - Julie Elliott
2nd Prize - Edna Murdoch
Door Prize - Lynda Mellows
CUPPA Morning
Our next cuppa morningis onThursday4thMayat 10am, the venue isThe DistilleryinFrenchmanBay Road, AlbanyHopingto see you there.
Competition Plants
The competition plant for May meeting is Cymbidium (Kulnura Titan x Kulnura Freedom) „Golden Orange‟ x Kulnarra Titan x (Tony McCartney x Foxfire Dancer)
Please bring your plant to the May meeting on 28thMay, so Janet and Deidre can record its progress.
Mothers Day Raffle
AOS will be holding aMother‟s Day Raffle and plant sale onFriday 12th and Saturday 13th May atBayonet Head Shopping Mall. Please let Lynda know if and when you will be able to help out withselling raffle tickets and the raffle. If you would like to bring some plants for display onlyplease bring them along on the day.
Overdue Membership Payments
Albany Orchid Society annual memberships are well overdue:-thank you to all members who have paid their subscriptions for 2022-23. To keep receiving this newsletter and to bench your orchids, you must be a financial member. If you would like to remain a member of AOS please pay by the May meeting, or contact Glenn Diggins via email or ring him on 0411054750 to arrange to pay your subs, the cost is $20 per member or $30 per couple and $10 for juniors.
David Edmonds
Thanks go to David forhisexcellent demo and talk on taking the difficulty out of deflasking tiny orchid seedlings. He showed us how to repot the little seedlings into small black pots and then grow them onto healthy baby orchids in a fairly short time.He talked about using size 6-9 Orchiata Bark for potting them up and then on the different products available to raise them to a healthy little plant, such as Envy spray, Nutri-life trichomatic shield, fungus beneficial fungi which is available online. Also, David spokeon the use of rooting hormones in the water. Calcium nitrate should be given every week.
Guest Speaker for May Meeting
Our guest speaker at the May meeting will be Brian Lepzig from Neutrog. Brian always has very good advice on growing most garden plants and enjoys questions from all our members. Plus he raffles samples of some of the excellent gardening products that Neutrog produces.