Albany Orchid Society Inc. June 2023 Newsletter
P.O. Box 1982
Albany W.A. 6331
Gail’s Potinara Creation ‘Sakura Candy’
May 2023 Newsletter
President | Ron Panting | 0419422916 |
Vice President | Shirley Hawkins | 0407971758 |
Secretary | Linda Mellows | 0457001353 |
Treasurer | Mr. Glen Diggins | 0411054750 |
Newsletter | Gail Brodziak | 0428155814 |
Patron: Mr Murray Montgomery
Next Meeting:- Sunday 25th June
1.30pm - Bench Orchids
2:00pm - General Meeting
Venue: Albany Bridge Club, Mill St Albany
Competition Plants for June:-;-Paphiopedilum Spicerianum ‘Sandy’ Lovely Moon ‘Sandy’andCymbidiumKhanebone ’Jacinta’ x Darch Joy ‘Little Toy
AOS Calendar June 2023
Please keep these details handy on your fridge or on your mobile phone
Most popular vote, open section:-Blc.Bonvise x Horace‘Taida’grown by Julie ElliottNovice section:-DendrobiumUnknowngrown by Barbara Hawes
The member who won the most points was Gail Brodziak with 13 points
Donna‟s Odontonia Tiger Barb „KilaueaBarbara‟s Dendrobium Rutherford Starburst „Tinonee”
May Raffle results:-
1st Prize - Lynda Mellows
2nd Prize - Teresa Jankowski
Door Prize - Mary Warnes
Guest Speaker
Brian Klepzig from NeutrogBiological Fertiliserswas our guest speaker at the May meeting. Brian, as alwaysgave an excellent talk on the different products that Neutrog are making, all from natural ingredients. Plus hegavethose at the meetinga few sample pots of fertilisersand soil conditioners. Here is a link to their website.
Potting Morning
At 10am on Wednesday 14thJuneThere will be a Phalaenopsis orchid potting morning held at Ron Panting’s house. Ron’s address is 4 Bronte Street, Milpara. Ron and Ron Gresswell will be repotting. If you have any Phallys that need repotting, please bringt hem to the demo. Please bring a friend if you want to. There will not be any obligation put on them to join AOS.
CUPPA Morning
The cuppa morning will be at Three Anchors, the address is2 Flinders Parade,Middleton Beach. See you there at 10amon Friday 16th June
Competition Plants
There are two competition plants to bring to the June meeting, if you still have them, they are:-
Paphiopedilum Spicerianum ‘Sandy’ Lovely Moon ‘Sandy’ and Cymbidium Khanebone ’Jacinta’ x Darch Joy ‘Little Toy'
Please bring your plant/plants to the general meeting on 28thJune, so Janet and Deidre can record their progress.
Mary is working on getting some more competition plants.
July Winter Show
By now most of us will be preparing our best orchids for benching at the winter show, which will be held on 20th, 21 stand 22nd July. You can pick up plant labels, tagsand show schedules at the next meeting for any plants that you may want to enter in the show. Setup day is 19th July
It is time to check your plants for scale, mealy bugs, aphids and disease. There are quite a lot of products in the local nurseries for controlling pests on orchid plants. Clean plants are more appealing and any plants found to have diseases or bugs will not be included in the show. Please check your plants for dead leaves and old bits still left over from last years’ flower spikes. Don’t forget, you must own a plant for at least 6 months before you can bench it in a show or at our monthly meetings.
Some more photos ofour lovelyorchids benched at the May Meeting