Albany Orchid Society Inc. April 2023 Newsletter

P.O. Box 1982
Albany W.A. 6331


April 2023 Newsletter

President Ron Panting 0419422916
Vice President Shirley Hawkins 0407971758
Secretary Linda Mellows 0457001353
Treasurer Mr. Glen Diggins 0411054750
Newsletter Gail Brodziak 0428155814

Patron: Mr Murray Montgomery

Next Meeting:- Sunday 23rdAPRIL 2023

1.30pm - Bench Orchids
2:30pm - GeneralMeeting

Venue Albany Bridge Club, Mill St Albany

Competition Plant for April:-Eplc May Bly Ching hua ‘Splash”

AOS Calendar2023Please keep these details handy on your fridge or on your mobile phone

The most popular votein the open sectionwasPhalaenopsisUnknownand was grown byRon GresswellThe most popular vote in the novice section wasDendrochilum uncatumand was grown by Barbara Hawe

Marchmeeting Raffle results:-

1st Prize - Ron Gresswell
2nd Prize - Janet Bevan
Door Prize - Keith Stretto

Competition Plants

The competition plant forApril isCty. Eplc. Mae Bly ‘Ching HuaSplash’
Please bring your plant to the meeting, so Janet and Deidrecan recordits progress.

CUPPA Morning

Our next cuppa morningis onFriday14thAprilat 10am, the venue isHandasydes Strawberry FarmCafeinChester pass Road.Hope to see you there.

Committee Meeting

The next Committee meeting will be held on 14thApril at the Vancouver Street Café at 2pm.

April Meeting Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker at the April meeting will be David Edmonds from Orchidup Nursery in Walpole. Pleasecome along and ask David any questions you may have regarding orchid culture. David will have some orchidsto sell.

AGM Meeting

Thank you to allAOS financialmembers whoattended andnominated the candidatesforoffice bearers &Committee membersatour2023 AGM.Thanks goes to Murray Montgomery for yourparticipation in runningthe voting.Thank you to all the outgoing 2022office bearers.The votes were castat the March meetingand here are the results.

President Ron Panting
Vice President Shirley Hawkins
Secretary Lynda Mellows
Treasurer Glen Diggins
Immediate Past President Mrs Barbara Hawes
Newsletter Editor Mrs Gail Brodziak


Mr Ron Panting
MrsShirley Hawkins
Ms Lynda Mellows
Mrs Mary Warnes
Mrs Edna Murdoch
Mrs Julie Elliott
Mrs Gail Brodziak

Overdue Memberships

Albany Orchid Society annual memberships were due by the February meeting.If you have not been able torenew your memberships yet,there is still time, until the May meeting to become financial.To keep receiving this newsletterand to bench your orchids at meetings and shows,you must be a financialmember.If you would like to remain a member of AOS please pay by the May meeting, orcontactour treasurerGlenn Digginsvia email or ring him on0411054750to arrange to pay your subscriptions online,the cost peryear is $20 per member,$30 per couple and $10 for juniors.

Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

Albany Orchid Society Inc. May 2023 Newsletter


Albany Orchid Society Inc. February 2023 Newsletter