Albany Orchid Society Inc. July 2023 Newsletter
P.O. Box 1982
Albany W.A. 6331
Julie‟sCymbidiumParadise „Albany‟
July 2023 Newsletter
President | Ron Panting | 0419422916 |
Vice President | Shirley Hawkins | 0407971758 |
Secretary | Linda Mellows | 0457001353 |
Treasurer | Mr. Glen Diggins | 0411054750 |
Newsletter | Gail Brodziak | 0428155814 |
Patron: Mr Murray Montgomery
Next Meeting:- Sunday 16th July
2:00pm - General Meeting
Venue: Albany Bridge Club, Mill St Albany
N.B. Therewill benobenchingor competition plantsneedingto be brought indueto the winter showbeing the week after
AOS Calendar 2023
Please keep these details handy on your fridge or on your mobile phone
Most popular orchid was Cymbidium Valley Legend „Gee Whiz‟ and was grown byJulie Elliott
The member who won the most points was Julie Elliott with 13 points
Most Popular vote by our members wasJulie‟sCymbidiumValley Legend „Gee Whiz‟
May Raffle results:-
1st Prize - Terri Thompson
2nd Prize - Teresa Jankowski
Door Prize - Ron Panting
Some photos of the other orchids benched at the June meeting
At 2.30pm on 13thJuly, an Albany Advertiser photographer and reporter will be arriving at my house to do an interview and to take photos to promote our winter show with an editorial, which will be in the Advertiser on the first day of the winter show.T his will be done at no cost to AOS. If you have an orchid that is in flower and would like it to be included in the editorial, please bring it to my house at 27 Stewart Street, Mira Mar at 2pm on the day. Laurie Benson will be taking the photos and the interviewer will be Georgia. Please ring me if you need more info.
CUPPA Morning
The next cuppa morning will be held at Sugbo Grill, at 10am on 14thJuly in the Dog Rock Shopping Centre at the Middleton Road level. By the way they have lovely cakes and I believe the coffee is great too.
Competition Orchids
Ron Gresswell‟s Cymbidium Khanebone ‟Jacinta‟ x Darch Joy „Little Toy' has flowered first. Congratulations Ron on winning the prize of $25. Some new competition orchids are being sought after by Mary.
Winter Show
Thewintershowwill be held onThursday 20th, Friday 21 stand Saturday 22nd July. Setup day is Wednesday 19th July at 10am in North Road Shopping Centre, if you can help with the setting up of the tables etc. please let Ron Panting know. Please have your plants cleaned up and correctly labeled with the green cards paper clipped to one of the leaves and the white slips sticky taped to the front of your pots and bring them to the North Road Shopping Centre at 3pm on Wednesday 19thJuly. If unable to do so due to work commitments etc. please notify someone to make alternative arrangements. If you are not sure which section your orchid/s should be placed in, please place it on the query table in the middle of the display area. Lynda will have the show schedules and a roster for the show at the next meeting, please put your name on the roster or ring Lynda. Please remember to make it a great show we need to have as many healthy orchid plants as possible to make it a fantastic display, every orchid counts. If you have any questions please ask someone.
N.B.Pleasebring your own chair with you, as the shopping centre does not provide them.
Floral Art Theme
The theme for floral artat the July showis “Seeing Double”Please note;- Your floral art entries must be benched by 8.30 on Thursday morning.
Here are a few ideas…