Albany Orchid Society Inc. September Newsletter 2023

P.O. Box 1982
Albany W.A. 6331

September Newsletter 2023

President Ron Panting 0427411695
Vice President Shirley Hawkins 0407971758
Secretary Linda Mellows 0457001353
Treasurer Mr. Glen Diggins 0411054750
Newsletter Gail Brodziak 0428155814

Patron: Mr Murray Montgomery

Next Meeting:- - Sunday 24th September

1:30pm - Bench Orchids
2:00pm - General Meeting

Venue: Albany Bridge Club, Mill St Albany

Competition plants: Paphiopedilum Spicerianum ‘Sandy’ Lovely Moon ‘Sandy’ & Cymbidium Khanebone ’Jacinta’ x Darch Joy ‘Little Toy'

Calendar September 2023

Please keep these details handy on your fridge or on your mobile phone


1st Prize - Teresa Jankowski
2nd Prize - Sandra Bright
Door Prize - Donna Stretton

Competition Plans

Paphiopedilum Spicerianum ‘Sandy’ Lovely Moon ‘Sandy’ & Cymbidium Khanebone ’Jacinta’ x Darch Joy ‘Little Toy'


The Spring Show was a huge success. Thank you to Julie, Tony and Edna; also, thank you to our show stewards, they all did a terrific job of organizing all our orchids into their different sections. Thanks especially to our club members who benched their orchids in the show to make it such a varied and colourful one. Thanks especially to our club members who benched their orchids to make it such a varied and colourful display, without your orchids, the show would be nothing. The more orchids displayed the better; making a brilliant show. Thank you to all the judges who travelled from Bunbury; it is always a pleasure to see you again. All the orchids we bought from the suppliers went to new homes and the club members who had plants for sale, sold theirs as well. We had no plants left for sale at the finish of the show. Advice regarding the culture of orchids was asked for and was given out and most people took culture notes away with them. The general public was again, amazed at the beauty of our blooms, and at just how many different varieties of orchids that we are able to grow in little old Albany. The view and perfume of the display of our lovely orchids was a big surprise to the public as soon as they walked into the shopping centre. Deidre, Janet, Jenny and Shirley, thank you for making up all the lovely little orchid floral arrangements, the public loved them and they sold really well, over one hundred were sold. Thank you to all of the other members who helped out in any way, with selling raffle tickets, the orchid plants and properties etc. Thanks to those who helped with setting up the tables, then at the end of the show, taking them down and putting them away again. The trophies for the winter and spring show will be given out at the Trophy Presentation Lunch on 19th November at the Premier Hotel.


Our next cuppa morning is at Handasydes Café, Chester Pass Road at 10am on Friday 17th November. Hope to see you there. We will be seated in ‘The Hayshed’. It’s a fairly new section, recently renovated and now open for large gatherings. By the way they have strawberries for sale.


Our next morning tea on 22nd September is at The View, which is in the Albany Entertainment Centre. Note the time; 10.30.

SEPTEMBER MEETING Next meeting is on 24th September; please remember to bring your competition plants. Also please bring any trophies that you won last year. There will be new competition plants available at the September meeting, 3 in fact, a Cymbidium, a Zygopetalum & a Dendrobium.

Nicola Edwards

Circumnavigator. Graphic Designer. Web Designer.

Albany Orchid Society Inc. October Newsletter 2023


Albany Orchid Society Inc. August 2023 Newsletter