Albany Orchid Society May 2022 Newsletter
P.O. Box 1982
Albany W.A. 6331
May 2022 Newsletter
President | Mrs Barbara Hawes | 0419422916 |
Vice President | Mr Ron Panting | (08)98411695 |
Secretary | Mrs. Shirley Hawkins | 0407971758 |
Treasurer | Mr. Glen Diggins | 0411054750 |
Newsletter | Mrs Carol White | 0488533377 |
Patron: Mr Murray Montgomery AM
Next Meeting:- Sunday 22nd May 2022
Our Guest speaker will be Brian Klepzig from Neutrog.
1.30 pm - Bench Orchids
2:00pm - Meeting begins
Venue: Albany Bridge Club, Mill St Albany
Competition Plans for May
Hot Grumpy ‘First’ x dolicophylla x Super Ruffles
Could any members with Brassidium Tigerlily Tinonee or Lc Chan Hsiu Jewel ‘San Mei’ and Dendrobium Stupid Orange x Hilda Poxon Rusty Bucket still alive please bring them in for assessment.
Events this Month
Morning Tea
Friday 20th May at 10am at Zivago’s , North Road Shopping Centre, unfortunately, the venue has had to be changed due to the Tamp and Grind in Chesterpass Mall closing indefinitely.
New Competition Plants
These are the new competition plants Cymbidium Khanebono ‘Jacinta’ x Darch Joy ‘Little Toy’ which were eagerly snapped up by members.
There is a new monthly incentive award of 3 raffle tickets to be presented to the member who attains the most points for their competition plant, this month’s winner was Carol White, so remember to please bring in your plants for assessment.
Orchidup Visit
The Society are paying a private visit to Orchidup on the 12th May. David and Chris will provide us with a barbeque lunch, tea and coffee. This is usually a great day out in a beautiful location and because it’s only us there, David has a lot more time to spend with us and answer any questions you may have, plus, their barbeques are really scrumptious.
There is a new price list for the Shed items which will be available at the next meeting
Inter-Society Challange
This will be held in Busselton this year, from the 5th to the 7th August, If you would like to attend, please contact Shirley or Julie for all the details.
Shirley is to arrange all of the advertising for our shows this year.
Entry Cards
The format of the entry cards we use for our shows was questioned, do we need to change the layout to provide more room to write the names of the plants? This is to be discussed at the next meeting.
New Motion
Carol proposed a motion to record all of our General and Committee meetings to make it easier for our new Secretary to produce accurate minutes and for the Society to purchase a recording device to enable her to do this. The Members voted and the motion was carried.
Ron Fauntleroy gave us a very interesting and informative address about the South West’s Native Orchids and what we can do to protect them. Thank You Ron.
Committee Meeting
The next committee meeting will be held on the 24th June at 1.30 at Vancouver Café.
Society Uniforms
Any member wanting a Society uniform can purchase one from Barefoot Clothing in Lockyer Avenue, next door to Fridge and Washer City, if you give your receipt to Glen, the Society subsidises 25% of any purchase. Badges are available from the trophy shop in North Rd Shopping Centre, $12.50 for a pin on type and $14.50 for a magnetic one.
Most Points in the Open Section were earned by Edna Murdock with 12 points
Most points in the Novice Section were earned by Wendy Fletcher
Most Popular Vote by the Members in the Open Sectiion went to Edna for her Wilsonaria Tan Treasures ‘Lavender Picotee’
Most popular vote by the Members in the Novice Section went to Wendy for her Oncidium Unknown
The Judges Vote went to Edna for her Zygo Adelaide Light
This months winners were Shirley and Janet, congratulations.
Door Prize
This month the winner was Lynda,, congratulations