Albany Orchid Society March 2022 Newsletter
P.O. Box 1982
Albany W.A. 6331
Carol’sZygopetalumArthur Elle‘Tombstone’
August 2023 Newsletter
President | Mrs Barbara Hawes | 0419422916 |
Vice President | Mr Ron Panting | (08)98411695 |
Secretary | Mrs Libby Hocking | 0402666091 |
Treasurer | Mr. Glen Diggins | 0411054750 |
Newsletter | Gail Brodziak | 0428155814 |
Patron: Mr Murray Montgomery AM
Next Meeting:- AGM Sunday 27th March 2022
1.30 pm - Bench Orchids
2:00pm - Annual General Meeting
Venue: Albany Bridge Club, Mill St Albany
Competition Plants for March Brassidium Tigerlilly ‘Tinonee’ and Paphiopedilum Spicerianum ‘Sandy’ Lovely Moon ‘Sandy’
AOS Calendar 2022
Please keep these details handy on your fridge or on your mobile phone
The most popular vote was Zygopetalum Arthur Elle ‘Tombstone’ and was grown by Carol White.
This Orchid also won the Judges’ vote as best orchid benched at the February meeting. The member who collected the most points for benching orchids at the February meeting was Julie Elliott with 18 points.
Julie’s Three Phalaenopsis Orchids
February Meeting Raffle results:-
1st Prize - Keith Stretton
2nd Prize - Carol White
Door Prize - Barbara Hawes
CUPPA Morning
Our next cuppa morning is on Friday 18th March at 10am, the venue is Emu Point Cafe.
Albany Orchid Society annual memberships were due by the February meeting. The AGM is in March and you must be a financial member of AOS to be able to vote. Also to keep receiving this newsletter you must be a financial member. If you have not already done so, please contact Glenn Diggins to arrange to pay your 2022-2023 subscriptions, the cost per year is $20 per member or $30 per couple and $10 for juniors.
Guest Speaker
At the February meeting we had Norm Martin as our guest speaker. Norm spoke on Oncidium orchids and the Oncidiinae orchid family in general. Then he spoke on the Orchid of the Year photographic awards and showed us some of the photos of orchids entered in the 2021 Orchid of the Year. By the way, I have included an entry form for anyone who is thinking of entering an orchid into this year’s competition. Closing date is at the end of September each year. Thank you Norm, we always enjoy your talks. We have Brian Lepzig from Neutrog, and Ron Fauntleroy coming up as speakers at upcoming meetings. David Edmonds is going to organise for us to visit Orchidup Nursery when convenient. For dates, just watch this space!
Competition Plans
The competition plants for the March meeting are Brassidium Tigerlilly ‘Tinonee’ & Paphiopedilum Spicerianum ‘Sandy’ Lovely Moon ‘Sandy’
Please bring your plant/plants to the meeting so Janet and Deidre can record their progress.
We are making enquiries to get another competition plant soon, probably a small upright Cymbidium orchid.
Easter Raffle Reminder
The Easter raffle and plant sale will be held at North Rd Shopping Centre on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th April. Please let Libby know at the next meeting if you would like to put your name on the roster to sell raffle tickets. If you have any orchids to sell, please list your plants with their names, your name, also price them, number and tag them, the same as we do for our annual orchid shows. You can pick up a price list at the next meeting. Setup will be at 7am on the Friday and finishing at 7pm, when the shopping centre closes.
Please let Libby know if you are able to stay until 7pm that night. We will wind the raffle up at 4pm or before on the Saturday afternoon, depending on how it all goes.
Elections At The AGM 27th March.
As Office Bearers and Committee Members serve for 2 years and are eligible for re-election, not all positions are elected at each AGM. This year the Secretary, Treasurer and 2 Committee Members will be elected. Should you wish to nominate please fill out the attached form and return it to the secretary Libby Hocking, PO Box 1982, Albany DC, 6331 or To enable the secretary to draw up any ballot sheets, nominations should be returned by 13th March.